Thursday, October 16, 2008

2 Months & an ER visit

Sorry to have not posted in a while, but things have been HECTIC!!! Jackson turned 2 months old last Saturday. Unfortunately he spent his 2 month birthday in the hospital. Last Thursday I had him to the pediatrician because he has been so congested. Well the pediatrician didn't like the sound and the way he was breathing, so we did a whole bunch of tests- all of which came back normal. But he told me that if Jackson started breathing fast again to call immediately. Well of course he started breathing really fast on the way home. So I called and off to the ER we went.

Jackson was admitted to the hospital from the ER for observation overnight because he is so young and they didn't want to send us home late at night with an infant having breathing issues. So we had a pneumogram performed, which is a 24 hour test that measured his oxygen saturation, heart rate and something else. We finally got to come home on Saturday evening with an apnea monitor.

So we got all the test results back yesterday and everything came back normal. But because his breathing is still out of whack we are going to stay on the apnea monitor for now and are being referred to a pulmonlogist.

But that is not the end of this tale, I left out a small detail...

While we were in the ER for Jackson, I had to be admitted as well!! I began having terrible pain in my left side and started throwing up- turns out I have kidney stones (big ones!). Poor Jared, there he was with his baby and his wife both sick and in the ER. Jackson got sent upstairs before I was released from the ER, so Jared finally called my parents at 2:00 am to come to the ER to be with me so that he could stay with Jackson. I follow up with the doctor tomorrow and will probably have to have the stones lasered.

It has been quite an adventure the past week, I'll keep everyone up to date on Jackson. He seems to be doing better, just a ton of congestion. We've only had a couple of alarms, but I understand these apnea monitors have a lot of false alarms.

But on to more fun things, here are some pictures we took the other night...

Gearing up for Halloween...

And one from yesterday morning...Jackson is very into the environment!


MilissaBee said...

Oh I am so sorry you are having all these problems. Kidney stones, aughh... I will keep you and Jackson in my prayers.

And you know I so love that Jackson is into the environment. Yeah!!

CBRESQ said...

That is rotten. I hope you both get to feeling better soon. I have never had kidney stones, but I hear they are very painful. Hopefully you can get Jackson in to see the specialist soon and get that boy better.

I like Jackson's halloween outfit. Take care.

Anonymous said...

We hope that both of you are feeling better very soon!! Take care.

Haley and Brian said...

OMG! I feel so bad for you that you've had all that happen! What a mess. I hope you get feeling better soon, and the same for Baby J. On a lighter note - he's SO cute! And already 2 months old! Awww!

Kimberly said...

Well i've been thinking about him and you and wondering what all the tests had said. Hopefully both of you will get straightened out soon. Jackson gets cuter and cuter every day!!!!

Caroline & Tucker said...

He is getting do big! Bummer about the hospital but better safe than sorry! Glad you both (actually all 3) are doing better! Hope Jackson has a great first Halloween...looks like he is ready!

Anonymous said...

Bless your hearts!!!! Sick babies are hard, but especially when Mommies are sick too! I hope and pray you're both doing better and you can get to the bottom of Jackson's symptoms soon. Good luck with those kidney stones! Let us know if you need anything!

PB from Linda's office