Monday, October 20, 2008

The Perfect Fall Day

Yesterday we decided to go on a drive to check out the fall foliage. We drove up the mountain through Montgomery, Gauley Bridge and into Fayetteville. It was a beautiful drive and a great day! We stopped in Fayetteville and ate at our favorite pizzeria Pies and Pints- so delicious!! Then we drove down into the New River Gorge and stopped to take some pictures under the Bridge.

I think this one turned out great! We used the timer and did it ourselves.

Different view of the Bridge...

Jackson seemed to have a good time, although he was not impressed with having to get in and out of his car seat. After that we headed to Summersville to visit with his Nana and Papa. I know that Jackson enjoyed that visit (as did his Nana and Papa!).

On Saturday Jackson was all set to go to a Pumpkin Carving Party, but not 5 minutes after this picture was taken he had a complete melt down. He and I ended up opting out of the party. He fell asleep at 6:30 pm and slept until 10:30 pm, so he probably would not have been much fun at the party. But I love this picture because it looks like he's dancing!!

On a side note, he seems to be doing much better. We have not had any alarms with his monitor and his congestion is getting much, much better. I too am feeling better. We are both still waiting for our referrals, which hopefully we will get this week.


CBRESQ said...

Looks like fun. I enjoyed your pictures. Sorry I did not comment sooner. Hope you and Jackson both get good reports at the doc. Hang in there.

MilissaBee said...

You are right. He totally looks like he is dancing!! So cute!

I hope you two are doing better. It looks like you are. Great Gorge pictures I haven't been there in ages.

I will be in town Dec 20-27. Aidan and I are riding the train up on the 19th.