Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Big Day Out

Jackson had a check up at the doctor this morning. Who knew that it be so hard to get up and get to the doctor by 9:20! He was very agreeable all morning long until I was ready to dry my hair and that's when he decided he needed some quality mommy time.
He is doing really well. He is now 6 lbs. 13 oz. and is over 20 inches long. The doctor said that Jackson is right where he should be and that within a couple of months you would never know that he was 4 weeks early. We are increasing the amount of formula he is taking, so I'm hoping that in turn will increase the amount of time he sleeps at night.
After the doctor we made visits to both Jared's office and mine- he was a big hit at each place. And the three of us went out for a nice Indian food lunch. Jackson and I then ventured up to Target to buy more diapers for him to dirty up.
So all in all it was a big day for both of us, hopefully it will be a restful night for us both as well!


MilissaBee said...

Jenny, I still can't belive it. He is so cute. I would love to hold and snuggle him. You are going to be such a great mommy!!

Kimberly said...

Wow you guys did have a big day!!!

Katie said...

I'm very impressed Jackson endured all of those visits, lunch and a shopping trip. Getting ready with an infant definitely makes it a bit more difficult to get out the door on time. It makes the Monday morning meeting a whole lot worse. I hope you have had more restful nights (and days) since upping the amount of formula.