Monday, August 4, 2008

Baby Shower # 1

On Saturday several of my friends hosted a wonderful baby shower for me at Marsha's house. It was very nice, we had tons of good food, a beautiful cake and I ended up with lots of great baby gear!! We were given a ton of clothes and baby bath products, bath toys and a bath tub, baby medicines, toys, bibs, wipes, hooded towels, rattles. We got a "Jackson" puzzle, a cool wooden car and a BEAUTIFUL Vera Bradley diaper bag.

Here are a few pictures from the big event...

The beautiful and very yummy cake...

Since I am on bed rest, the girls set me up in this chair and then waited on me! So nice...

Here is a picture of one of my big helpers on Saturday, Emma. My other big helper Marley must have been taking a break. These girls are fast and furious when it comes to opening gifts- although without them I'm not sure that I could have actually gotten everything out!

I just want to thank the girls for hosting such a wonderful shower. And thank everyone for the wonderful gifts- Jared and I are very appreciative!!

And just to give those of you who haven't seen me in person recently the understanding of how ENORMOUS I am, here is a picture of me on Friday...


Katie said...

I'm glad you had a good time at the shower and liked the cake- I thought Michelle did a great job with the cake. I hope you were only standing up for the belly pic, young lady;) Try to enjoy bed rest.

CBRESQ said...

Wow Jenny, that is a big belly! You hang in there girl - I don't think I could have done it if Vivian was that big. I am glad you had a good time at your shower and now you can put Jared to work getting all the baby stuff put away and ready for Jackson.