Saturday, August 23, 2008

You've Heard Of A Boy and His Dog...

Well this boy doesn't even know that he has a dog, but his dog sure does know that she has a boy! Morgan is quite taken with Jackson. She sticks with him night and day.

When Jackson gets up in the middle of the night to eat Morgan gets up and comes into his room until we go back to bed. We've had a couple of rough nights recently and Morgan has been right there with us making sure that Jackson is okay. She has also taken to sleeping right beside the bassinet during the night- so that she's the first to know if he needs someone I'm sure.

When Jackson was born Jared brought some blankets home from the hosptial and gave them to Morgan in order for her to get use to his smell. Well when Jackson came home, Morgan was ready and waiting to be a momma dog.

She keeps her eye on dad and Jackson most of all to make sure that Jared knows what he's doing...

Now Connor on the other hand...she's not so excited about our new addition.


Katie said...

I promise you Connor will be even less excited when Jackson learns to pull Connor's tail. It is amazing how maternal dogs can be toward human babies. Just wait until Jackson and Morgan are trying to share food and swap kisses- it is quite lovely. I'm glad Morgan is taken well to Jackson though. Good luck during the upcoming nights. As soon as Jordan gets over her current cold, we may come to visit.

CBRESQ said...

Good to see you guys are all settled in at home. Cats and babies do not really mix - our cats were offended when Vivian came home. It was particularly sad when they realized that all the new toys were not for them. They do get over it and now seem not to mind her so much (when she is not touching them). Your dog is cool and you can tell from the pictures that she thinks of Jackson as someone to look out for.