Monday, August 18, 2008

One Month Early

Last Monday morning I woke up at 5 am due to my water breaking! Needless to say Jared and I were totally unprepared to rush off to the hospital given that we thought we still had an entire month to get ready. In fact my plan for Monday had been to get some things together for my hospital bag and Jared was going to put the car seat in the car that evening! Luckily I had packed Jackson's bag.

So we rushed around like maniacs trying to get ourselves ready and out the door to the hospital. It was like out of movie! At 2:59 pm Jackson Marshall Tully made his appearance into the world. He weighed in at 6 lbs. 0 oz. and was 18 7/8 inches long.

It was by far the most overwhelming emotional experience that I have ever had and I know that Jared feels the exact same way. It was definitely love at first sight! I don't know if it's possible, but we love him more and more every day.

We've been home since Wednesday evening and have been getting along great. He eats every 3 to 4 hours and pretty much sleeps in between feedings. He gets up 2 or 3 times a night, but pretty much goes right back to sleep, except for that 3 am feeding, when he wants to stay up and hang out! We've taken a million pictures, so for your viewing pleasure I am posting a few more recent pictures of our little boy...

Our first family picture...

This is pretty much what he does all the time...sleep-which is much better then crying all the time!

We will keep you posted with new pictures of our favorite new form of entertainment! And thanks to everyone for all the well wishes and visits!


CBRESQ said...

Congrats on baby Jackson - he is really a cute kid. It sounds like you are getting into the routine - this is the hardest part (a combination of loss of sleep and being nervous about taking care of someone so tiny). But it does get easier. Cannot wait to see more pictures. Take Care.

Kimberly said...

He's absolutely adorable!!!I can't wait to see him again!

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS!! I look forward to following along in the journey!

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS!! I look forward to following along in the journey!

Elizabeth said...

Congratulations you guys!! Jackson is adorable!! How are you guys doing adjusting to having that sweet little baby around? I hope all is well. Take care.

Anonymous said...

Brian and I have really been enjoying your blog. Please keep it up! I check it several times a week. I'll be updating mine soon as well. I think blogs are great! Jackson is precious. We can't wait to meet him!

Love Haley & Brian