Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Nursery

I thought I would post a few pictures of the nursery. My mom helped us out by painting the room one weekend while Jared and I were out of town. Jared has taken care of everything else. I think it has turned out really great!!

I love the little rocking chair that I found on sale 40% off!! It matches the room perfectly and Jared got him the Pooh Bear, which I thought was pretty sweet.

I found these pictures online for $15 and then got frames at Michael's-quite a deal I thought!! And I became obsessed with those stuffed animals from Pottery Barn, so I splurged on them.

This chair is for giants!! I had NO IDEA how HUGE it was until it was delivered. But it is a swivel, glider, recliner, so I think it will be a good spot for Jackson and I to hang out during middle of the night feedings. Plus it's green, which I love! The only thing left to do it hang a couple of planes in the corner above the chair.

I go back to the doctor tomorrow for my second weekly visit. I'll have another fetal scan and ultrasound. This time they are going to measure Jackson to see how big he is. I'll fill everyone in tomorrow on our progress!


CBRESQ said...

I really like it - it looks great! You will appreciate your comfy chair. It looks like you guys have everything ready for his arrival. Hope you get a good report at the doctor.

MilissaBee said...

Love the room. The style is totally you. I miss you!